Friday, September 23, 2011

"Odds N' Ends"

I wonder about a lot of things. Often, too. Like what day is it? Or where am I? This is when I wake up and we are traveling, often changing locations every day or so.

Most of them are really insignificant, and I forget about them by the day's end.

However, for the past few weeks I have been thinking about what the odds would be to meet up with some old friends, by chance, two years in a row. Once in the eastern U.S., and this year in Oregon. Would it be like 5 million to one or 5 trillion to one? Or maybe the odds couldn't even be calculated (at least not by me)!

Last year, Sandy, Jerry, Don and I were staying at a RV campground in the small farming community of Ronks, Pennsylvania. While we were talking after dinner, another couple came by and said they were also from Arizona! It turned out that Walt and Cindy were friends with Sandy and Jerry many years ago, and were in the same car club.

Here is a picture of Walt, Sandy, Jerry and Cindy last year at Flory's Cottages & Camping. Sorry, but I'm not good with dog names, so they shall remain anonymous.
This year, when the 4 of us were at a state campground by The Dalles in Oregon, the same couple walked by with their dogs and stopped since they saw our Arizona plates! What an amazing coincidence! So, what is your guess about the odds of that happening?! Like they say, "Inquiring minds would like to know".

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