Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Last Hurrah for Show Low

 Our last venture this summer took us to a very familiar campground: Fool Hollow Lake in Show Low, Arizona.  After driving the winding and mountainous roads, the five of us decided that it was the last trip here with our trailers.  What was "fun" in our 60's is no longer as exciting as it used to be.  As they say, "All good things must come to an end.".   We have been blessed with many good and wonderful times camping across the U.S.

On Saturday, our daughter and son--n-law came here for the day.  Heidi and Glen had rented a cabin in Christopher Creek for the weekend.  It was a relaxing afternoon, having appetizers, chewing the fat and enjoying a smoked pork roast and roasted potatoes for supper.  We are a lively bunch! 😂😂

Don and Doris were out each morning by 5 AM to do their morning walk.  Jerry, Sandy and I decided to skip that early walk and sleep in until 5:30 or 6:30.  Walks in the campground took us to the lake and around the various loops in the campground.  Below the surface of Fool Hollow Lake lies the old town of Adair.  Mormon settlers began to arrive here around 1876 and the local people chided Thomas Adair about trying to farm this area.   Only a fool would try such a thing!  Guess they were right.

At our age, we consider ourselves lucky that we can still negotiate stairs!  

Above is the view we had from the tent area at Fool Hollow.  Loved the clouds, the thunder and the rain during our time here.

One morning we drove into Pinetop-Lakeside to walk around Woodland Lake.  The trail around the lake is a mile long and flanked by tons of sunflowers that were blooming profusely.  Sadly, the drought has turned the lake into a large pond.  The water level was quite a bit lower during this visit.

As usual, I was behind, taking pictures of various wildflowers along the way.  Give me a camera and some flowers and I am one happy camper. 😊

In between walks we occupied ourselves with various games of Mexican Dominoes, Skip Bo, Phase Ten and Sequence.  We even managed to squeeze in a movie called Where the Crawdads Sing..  All of us had read the book and enjoyed the movie.  

So, if you're hankering for a place to escape the Arizona heat and want to put up a tent or sleep in your RV, try Fool Hollow.  You won't regret it.👌