Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Some of you may be old enough to remember the film "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" with Clint Eastwood.
I thought of this for my first blog of the summer, after we arrived at Boyd Lake State Park in Loveland, Colorado.  Here is my version:

"The Good" was the rainbow that showed up in the eastern part of the sky on our first day back at Boyd Lake State Park.  I was in the middle of eating dinner, so I stopped, grabbed my camera and headed outside to take a photo.  The food could wait...but rainbows are fleeting!

"The Bad" was the huge puddle of water on the tent pad in our site at Cheyenne Mountain State Park.  If we were tenting, we would have needed to put pontoons on the bottom!  This is another reason we love "camping" in our 5th wheel trailer.  We are high and dry, so to speak.
And now for "The Ugly"

This is what our truck looked like after a gentleman backed into us.

We were at the Visitor center at Cheyenne Mountain State Park, registering for a site for one night.  One man came in and paid $5.00 for a stack of wood.  A few minutes later, he came in and said that he had accidentally backed into our truck.  I can say this much, he did a good job! At least we could still drive it, even though we need a new condenser for the air conditioning, a new bumper and possibly a new radiator.  We felt more sorry for the guy than us.  He had come from North Carolina, went through all sorts of storms, missed a tornado by 15 miles, had hail damage on his truck from one of the storms and then this!

I'm just hoping this is the one "biggie" for this traveling season.  Every year, something happens and we have had to roll with the punches just like Clint Eastwood did.  Only difference is that we don't carry any weapons with us.  If I shot a gun like I throw a ball, I'd probably shoot myself.