Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bodacious Bubbles!

Remember how you had those cute little bottles to amuse your children/grandchildren when they were little? It kept them occupied for quite a while, unless they spilled the contents (that happened a lot with ours). This volunteer at the Grays Harbor Light station is the master of all super bubbles! As we approached the lighthouse, we could see the huge bubble making in progress.
It seemed to take on a life of it's own as it twisted and changed shapes.
This one looks like a sea serpent, just hanging around in the damp air.
Don and Sandy watched as he lifted up his two sticks with cords attached and released another "glob" of his concoction. It immediately took on a shape of various colors as he opened up the wood sticks.
This reminded me of a rooster head at the top....but it could be something entirely different to you.

If you look closely at this large bubble, you can see the reflection of the lighthouse in it!
The gentleman also uses a set of fishing poles with loops and rings on it to create smaller streams of bubbles.
We stood by and watched him release his creations into the wind for at least 20 minutes. I thought this would be a fun thing to do one day with our grandchildren. He was gracious enough to provide me with his internet blog site, where you can find his recipe for the bubble solution. It is: Happy Bubbling to you!

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