Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May or December???

The drive from Cherry Creek included rain , which turned into snow.  This is the view from our truck as we neared Boyd Lake State Park.  Was this really May???  It sure looks like the landscape when we visit in December for Christmas.  Were we in some kind of time warp?

Our site, right next to Ron and Patty, was waiting for us and so were they.  Homemade soup that Patty had made for us hit the spot.  There is something about soup and chili tasting extra special when it is cold outside.
Brr!  It was freezing and the wind was blowing so hard that the snow was going sideways.  Don pulled the trailer into the site so we could hook up to electricity, and that is all.  We never even put out the slides, making it very cozy (err....crowded) inside.  No TV was available since it was behind the bottom slide.  It could have been worse....we could have been in a tent.  And we are way, way too old for that to happen.

The next days saw much  better weather.   Here are the views from our kitchen window on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Winter, Spring and Summer all within 3 days! That is Colorado weather for you.  If you don't like it, just wait until tomorrow....or maybe even the same day.

I was really thankful when I found my hiking boots that had waited several years for me in the trailer.  My tennis shoes sure wouldn't have kept my feet warm and dry, that's for sure.

The best part was that I had a chance to build a snowman (or should I say snow woman)!  I couldn't have done that back in Phoenix, even in the winter.  Isn't she cute with the flowers on her head?  In her former life, I think she was a hippie flower child.  At any rate, she didn't last long.  By the next morning, she had completely melted.
Moral of the story:  Live your life to the fullest each day, for you never know what tomorrow may bring.  If you're made out of snow, the sun will turn you first into a slushy, and then into plain old cold water.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


We all know the weatherman can be wrong 50% of the time, and still retain his/her job.  This time, the weather predictions were wrong.  And not in a good way.  The snow came in one day early, leaving us a bit unprepared.  Ugh!

This is what our site at Cherry Creek State Park looked like yesterday afternoon.
The campground sure looked different this morning!  This is a view out our back window.
And here is a view from our slide:

Good news:  it is nice and warm inside our rig.  We both can drink our coffee and enjoy the views.
Bad news:  we have to be out of our site tonight.  The campground is completely full, which means we have to leave by noon, unless someone cancels and we are lucky enough to get their spot.  Otherwise, we will have to travel up to Loveland on the interstate.  Right now, we have to wait and see what God has planned for us.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lovely Lathrop

After our first night in Albuquerque, we headed north, and made another overnight stop at Lathrop State Park.  It's located near the small town of Walsenburg, in southern Colorado.

As we approached the state park, we had a wonderful view of the snow covered Spanish Peaks.  The Ute Indians named them Huajatolla (pronounced Wa-ha-toy-a), which means two breasts!

Before we even drove to our site, I had to get a picture of the fountain at the Visitor Center.  Don waited patiently in the truck, as usual.  After all these years, he has become used to my stopping to take pics of things that catch my eye.

We settled into our site in Loop B.  I took pictures while Don filled up the fresh water tank.  Sounds fair to me....
At this point, it was warm, with just a slight breeze.  As the day progressed, that would change.  We had a short window to explore before the temperature would drop and the wind would increase in velocity.  We walked over to Huajatolla Cove, which is part of Martin Lake.

Nearing the water's edge, we heard splashing.  As you can see, almost half the fishes' bodies were showing above the very shallow water.  This would have been the time to go retrieve our fishing pole.....if we had one.  We probably could have just skipped the pole and scooped them out with a net.

As we headed back, I turned around and noticed how the lake had changed, taking on a more ominous look to it.  Behind it, the Sangre de Cristo Mountains looked like they were about to be enveloped by the darker, black thunder clouds.   We did wind up with heavy rain and gusty wind later on in the evening, making us thankful that we were snug and cozy inside our tiny home.

Summer Time, and the Livin' is Easy...

A few weeks ago, the temperature in Phoenix was in the triple digits.  To be more specific, the thermometer on the back porch showed 109!  Yikes!  We knew then it was time to head for cooler country for the summer:  Colorado!

We transition from our stationary home:
to our tiny mobile home:

Each has it's own good points and drawbacks.  The trailer lets us escape the stifling Phoenix heat that seems to last well into October.   We also leave behind yard work, cable TV, a large kitchen and an extra bathroom, etc. 

 Summer in Colorado means more time outside, enjoying campfires with our friends, Ron and Patty Schorr, re-connecting with other camp hosts at Boyd Lake State Park, plus being much closer to our other two children and grandchildren.  Cookie baking will be put on the back burner until we get home again.  The oven is way too small, and there isn't a lot of counter space.  Don always seems to be able to get his granddaughters to make him chocolate chip cookies before we leave, which he watches over like a hawk!

 If you have a chance, stop by to visit us at Boyd Lake, or maybe we can meet somewhere for lunch!  Hope you have a great summer.  I know we will!