Friday, August 30, 2013

Old Timers in Old Valdez

It was sunny for the second day in a row!  Wow, that was truly amazing.  So, us "old timers" decided to drive to the town of Old Valdez, which is located about 4 miles from the current Valdez.  The old town of Valdez was decimated by the 1964 earthquake and the ensuing tsunami.  Some of the remaining buildings were salvaged and re-located to their current locations.  Now the land has turned back into forest and sloughs.
Here's part of our group reading the signs near the entrance to the area.
Sherry and I were at the head of the pack, so to speak.  She was making herself look big and tough to ward off any bears.  It worked!  No bears were spotted during our walk.
This was the site of the original Valdez post office.  Built in 1962, it was relatively new when it was destroyed by the earthquake.  Back in the early 60's, it handled the mail for the 600 to 700 residents.
Behind the Pink Fireweed flowers and tall grass, a large ship was sitting peacefully in Prince William Sound.
The sign here indicated this is where the Valdez Dock Company stood 49 years ago.
A rusted out fork lift's final resting place is at the edge of the grassy slough.  At least it's surrounded by gorgeous mountains and has a beautiful view to look at!
Norm, Landi and Sherry head back to the our RV that we used to transport all 8 of us here.  Don had gone back to the original parking place and had driven the camper out here so the rest of us didn't have so far to walk.  Don said he sang all the way back since he was alone and prime "aged" meat for the local bears!
Sandy seems to be doing her "find Jerry" dance.  All the rest of us were accounted for and he was still out wandering around.
I think she spots him!
Yep, that's him alright, stopping to take a picture of us!  Time to join the rest of us, Jerry!

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