Thursday, July 13, 2023

Better Late than Never: Catalina State Park

Good grief!  What happened to make this "January" post show up so late?  In simple terms, I completely forgot about the blog!  We had cut our trip to Tucson short because we hosted a student teacher from Martin Luther College during the same time period.  We came home early and adjusted to having a third (and much younger) person in our home for 2 months.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  😉

So here it goes: Once again in January we headed to Catalina State Park in Tucson and met up with family and friends.  There is always plenty of good food and camaraderie with this group.  Notice that more than one grill is being used for breakfast.

For the second or third year in a row we had family members from Reno join us.
Greg was in charge of the grill, and he always has a smile for me.
One afternoon we grilled chicken, peppers and zucchini with Don managing one grill and Jerry and Shelley doing their thing close by.

Bobby Cowen takes after Don.  Even if is chilly out, he is still wearing his shorts!  I keep telling Don he has no nerve endings in his legs.  LOL

One of our favorite things to do is to walk along the Bridle Trail to the trailhead.  Along the way we got to see this roadrunner up close.  Jim and Shelley had never seen one before, and he was a fine specimen.

Doris and I found our special rock alongside the trail.
Looking back, it was a good thing that we left earlier than usual.  A few days after our departure the road into the campground was completely flooded.  Campers were stuck there until the road could be cleared.  A lot of food was shared among our remaining group so no one went hungry.  Camping can still be adventurous!

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