Saturday, September 29, 2018

Peace at the Park

If you want to find a peaceful place to walk or bike ride in Albuquerque, head to the Rio Grande Nature Center.  It's located just north of Interstate 40, alongside the Rio Grande River.  Graceful cottonwood trees create a shady area and a respite from the hot desert sun.  It encompasses 38 acres.

The entrance to the visitor center is though a huge metal culvert.  Quite different from any other visitor center we have been to.

The riparian area is behind the visitor center, home to ducks, geese, turtles and lots of other wildlife.
 The sign said the turtles basking on the wooden logs were Painted turtles and Red-eared Sliders
Just past this lovely shaded area was the Rio Grande.  Not the wide Rio Grande River one usually conjures up in their minds, but more like a Phoenix canal.
 On both sides of the river were bike paths.  Oh, how I wished we had known about this and brought our bikes!

There were a lot of people using the trail.  Why not, the day was perfect for a ride.  Clear skies, no wind and at this time in the morning, it wasn't scorching hot.
As we sauntered back to the parking lot, we saw this cute little roadrunner.  It surprised me, since the only ones I've seen before were in Arizona.  Who knows, maybe he was a tourist just like me!

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