Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Doin' the Touristy Thing

We did one last sweep of Southern Arizona a few days before Sarah and Hanne went back to Denmark.     Don and the girls were goofing off again as we walked to the Bisbee Coffee Company for a cup of coffee and what else.....a Danish!

After a brief walk up and down one of the streets, we headed over for the mine tour.  
Sarah and Hanne decided to show off their new outfits, complete with blue hard hats!  They look pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself.  They sure couldn't find those great coats in Copenhagen.
We wore jackets under the yellow slickers and were glad for the warmth.  It is cold down in the mine all year long.  Hanne checked out one of the excavations once we reached the first stope.  Makes me glad I wasn't a miner during the early 1900's.  Way too cold, dark and dirty for me!
 Ten guesses what this is, and the first 9 don't count.  This was the two seater portable potty.  One thing for sure, guys wouldn't spend their time reading on one of these.  Can you imagine how cold the seats would have been?  And just think of the poor fellow who was in charge of this and having to dump it.
By the looks of Sarah's expression, she is ready to head back to the entrance and some sunshine.
 After the tour, we drove around parts of Bisbee, following the tourist Jeep.  Many of the roads are one way and quite steep.  After all, most of them were built in the late 1800's, way before large trucks and cars were around.  I bet the early settlers here kept in shape by just walking up and down the staircases set into the hillsides.
Our next stop was the historic town of Tombstone.  Although still very interesting, it has lost some of its old time western town flavor.  The main road in town has been paved and it has become very commercialized.  They should have left the dirt road.  Who ever saw a movie of Wyatt Earp or Doc Holiday walking down a paved street?  Progress is not always a good thing.  There were still guys dressed up in period costumes roaming around, but also missing were sporadic standoffs and gunfights.

After stopping for a bite to eat in Benson, we headed back to Sandy and Jerry's home.  We relaxed and  enjoyed a meal of wine (made by Jerry), salad and pizza on their back patio, watching the sun set.  Jerry had stoked the chiminea and the fire kept us warm until it got dark outside.

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