Friday, November 23, 2012

Arizona Jeep Adventures

 What is one thing you can't do in Denmark that you can in Arizona?  Go for a jeep ride in the desert! There are no mountains in Denmark, no rough roads that cross through dry washes and there sure aren't any saguaros!  Our friend, Norm, agreed to take them out in his red Jeep, Nellie Belle.

Yep, that's Norm and me in my red shirt from Denmark.  At least the shirt matches the Jeep.  It does clash a bit with my pink hat, but that is the only one I had at home.  Okay, I didn't give much thought to how I dressed before I headed out the door, but at least I wasn't going to church that way!
I even helped turn wrenches to get the Jeep unhooked.  I found out that I was a bit clumsy at it, but still got the job done.  At least Norm didn't complain (probably because he had only 3 ladies to choose from).
Here is Hanne and her daughter, Sarah before heading out into the desert near Canyon City.
Norm even turned the driving over to Sarah a couple of different times.  She did a great job, and we stayed on the bumpy road up hill and down.
Lunch time meant seeking a shady spot to stand in and having a cooler as our "table".  Even though it was November, the temperature that day was in the low 90's.  The shade was a welcome respite.

I kept teasing Sarah and Hanne that they should tell more of their friends to visit Arizona.  We need tourism money to improve our roads!  There were plenty of times we went less than 10 mph since it was way too bumpy to go any faster.
Norm was checking on something before headed back to our parking spot.  Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, was covered in dust (including us) by the time we got back.  I had to clean the lens of my camera each time we stopped to take pictures.
As we headed back towards I-17, we had awesome views of the stately saguaros stretched out for miles and the purple mountains in the distance.  A few days earlier, Sarah and Hanne were dealing with cold weather and rain and here they had to put on sunscreen so they wouldn't burn.  They went from winter to Denmark summer weather and both were thankful for the abundance of sunshine.

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