Friday, June 24, 2011

Jake and Ella

As we hiked in Vedauwoo, I was busy taking pictures. Par for the course, for me, at least. When we returned home, and I looked at the various pics, I realized that almost every single picture I had of Ella, Jake was also there!

Jake's greatest pleasure that day was "herding" Ella. At home, he tries to herd both Mango and Ella. Mango, being a cat, just ignores him and has decided it is beneath her dignity to give him any attention. On rare occasions, she'll approach him, and he'll cower and retreat! I wonder what he'll do once Ella grows up and she no longer qualifies as a "small animal/person/thing that needs to be herded?

Here is my take, from Jake's point of view:

"Hurry up, Ella, and stay on the path! I need to keep track of you!"
"Are you too hot? Who's gonna hold your jacket? Come on, we're behind!"
"Just checking on ya......"
"Why are you stopping here? Got a headache?"

"Caution! Water! Water! After I get a drink, I'll check on you for the 50th time today."
"Just making sure you're okay."

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