Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ft. Collins Ride Your Bike to Work Day

This year we asked Doris to join us in our annual trek to Colorado during the summer. And she agreed! She's an avid walker and bike rider, and I was pretty confident she'd enjoy riding various trails in northern Colorado. But first, we had to get to Colorado...... 14 hours straight....... 5 stops for fuel and bathroom breaks.... snacks in the truck....... and we arrived in Windsor at 9 PM Monday night. 

Our first long ride was in Ft. Collins and we did the Ride to Work Day on the Spring Creek Trail.

The trail was mighty crowded with riders of all ages, sizes and shapes.  Fast ones zipped past us, families rode with their small children and there were even some older people in our age group.  Lots of free food was awaiting at various locations:  coffee, power drinks, breakfast burritos, donuts, watermelon and even mini-smore's made out of tiny pancakes

. We rode through water, under roads, through meadows and forested areas, over wood bridges and through tunnels.  Trust me, it is a lot more enjoyable without all the crowds!  Maybe I am just getting old and crochety...😏
 Below was one of the busiest areas since it's where the Spring Creek Trail meets up with the Mason Street Trail near downtown Ft. Collins.  Bikers were coming from the east, west, north and south!

Don shared his white powdered mini donuts with Doris.  I picked up a lip balm and half a banana. (not shown😅😅)

This stop had the mini Smore's and one lady was busy making tiny pancakes that would be spread with Nutella and Marshmallow Fluff.  Gooey and delicious according to Don.
Our bikes are out here somewhere....
Alas, all the breakfast burritos were gone by the time we turned around and headed back to the parking lot.  Next year we have to plan better!  

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