Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Free Time in Fruita

It seems there are always things to do and see, no matter where we wind up.  In some places, we might have to look harder but the search is always worth it.  Even the very small town of Fruita amazed us with it's annual FFF, or Fruita Fall Festival.  

Of course, the main street was filled with booths selling everything from soup to nuts, or should I say Navajo Tacos to sausage on a stick.  There were two different stages with various groups, but we heard no hard rock at all.  We heard country western music, a bit of blue grass, and a gospel singing group.  The gospel group leader mentioned that they would be singing in a Baptist church in Grand Junction and how hard it was to find the church.  They kept going round the block because their GPS didn't recognize the roads that were named  27 1/4,  etc.  I chuckled at that since it reminded of our time in downtown Anchorage. 
 For those of you who have old skies and no longer need them, why not make them into a bench like below?
I was looking for the head on this metal sculpture until I read the sign at the base which is "Mike the Headless Chicken".  Shouldn't it have been named, "Mike the Headless Rooster"?  Whatever the case may be, you know Mike was no longer at the head of the class.

On Sunday, we drove around downtown Grand Junction, with its quaint shops and restaurants and interesting metal sculptures.  I loved the one with the dinosaur on the bike.
And then there was this cute little gal.  She can be yours for ONLY $4,500.!
Don gave her two "high fives" for her long, beautiful eyelashes and festive earrings.
After church, we went for a late breakfast at the Dream Cafe.  According to the information we found on the internet, this was the best place for lunch or breakfast in Grand Junction.  We had to wait for about half an hour, but it was well worth it.  Great food and lots of freshly brewed coffee made us two satisfied customers.

Since we had time to spare, we checked out the tiny town of Palisade.  I think the downtown area (if you could call it that) went half a block each way from the main intersection.  Still there were things to take pictures of.  I don't know if would be an honor or not to have your name on this list.......Hmm.  If you look closely, some people were on it for more than one year.  Bud Lofvenborg must be one really sweet guy or maybe one big grouch to have his name on it 4 consecutive years. 

Finally, a friendly warning from the local computer place.  Who knows, maybe Bud was one of the owners.

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