Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter in Rocky Mntn National Park

One of the things we have never done before is to visit Rocky Mountain National Park in the winter. We have visited it many times each summer, and also a few times in the fall or spring, but I wanted to get some snow pictures, and Kim was willing to drive us up the windy mountain road. After all, what good is it to be in Colorado during the month of December if you can't be in the snow??? Don might disagree with that statement, since he had enough of it growing up near St. Louis. None the less, he still went along with Kim, Ella and me.

Our first stop was Sprague Lake. Ella is all bundled up in her pink snowsuit as she makes her way across the mound of snow in the parking lot.
Kim helped Ella get a drink of water. Holding a big, slippery bottle full of water sure isn't easy with mittens on!
Just before this picture was taken, Ella had grabbed some snow and was trying to throw it at Don's back. The tables are turned! It was really hard to make snowballs since the snow was so powdery, but both of them tried.
The path around Sprague Lake was closed, so we headed on further to Bear Lake. Ella just wanted to make sure we were at the correct spot as she checked out the sign, even though she is too young to read it.
Kim and Ella took a moment to pose for me. It was cold that day!
This view is from the back side of Bear Lake. There were patches of blue sky, but the storm was starting to move in, obliterating some of the mountain peaks in the background.
Pink cheeks to match her outfit! This is one of the few moments during the 2 1/2 weeks that she was still for more than a minute. No wonder she looks good in pink....she's like the pink Energizer Bunny on drugs! Always busy, always doing something. I just wish I had a tenth of her energy.
The wind started picking up, and it began to snow as we headed across the lake. Another thing to scratch off the bucket list: walking on water! Even though it's frozen, I am still counting this as a first!
This is a view of the parking lot at Bear Lake. Time to head back down the mountain and grab some hot peppermint cocoa before the storm hits! A perfect day with our daughter-in-law and granddaughter. I'm thankful for times like these.

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