Monday, May 17, 2010

1st stops in Colorado: Pueblo & Cheyenne Mntn

Our travels started off with lots of clouds and overcast skies. As we traveled through the pass by Raton, New Mexico, the clouds gently clasped their fingers over the mountains. The temperature dropped 10 degrees here.

Well, we are on the road again in 2010. Time to get the wheels rolling on the 5th wheel and head towards cooler weather before we get hit with the 100 degree days in Arizona. They sneak up on you and stay for a long, long time.

Our first stop in Colorado is Pueblo State Park. Although it rained off and on, we still managed to get in some walks between the rain showers. Lots of beautiful wildflowers adorn the hills. Don plods on while I stop every 20 feet to take another picture. I am really grateful for the digital camera hung around my neck as I snap away!

A stalk of purple Sky Pilot flowers are beautiful, even though it is also known by Skunkweed because it's leaves emit a strong, offensive odor!
The white Cowbane flowers (which are poisonous to cattle) surround the purple Lupine.
This is our site at Cheyenne Mountain State Park, which is on the way to being one of our favorite places to stay. Our site is halfway up the side of the mountain, affording us wonderful views of Colorado Springs.
Storms set in Saturday afternoon, and God provided a beautiful rainbow.
View from our site. Awesome!
We saw this red fox as we returned to camp Monday afternoon. I think he was smiling at us.


  1. Hey, we're following you. There is always a glass of wine and a place to stay if you head north.

  2. I love that you included me in your travel log. I'm relishing all the posts from last year too.

    I've never seen that large a fox. We have much smaller species here in Nevada or at least the ones that I've seen were smaller variety.

    I can't figure out how to register here so I'll be anonymous and sign my name at the bottom of the posts!! Confounded technical stuff!! marilyn
