Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Vagabonds in Vermont

Evening descends on Lake Champlain.
Our site in Grand Isle State Park.

Dinner is almost ready!

I really don't scream for ice cream, but I sure do love it!

Ah, "Nirvana" for ice cream lovers!

On Monday, August 31st, we wound up staying at the Grand Isle State Park, located in Vermont. It's one of the islands on Lake Champlain. State Route 2 took us on small, winding roads through 3 long and skinny islands before it reached the town of Burlington. Staying on Grand Isle was peaceful, since the sites were huge and it wasn't crowded. The only downside was the fact that we had to dry camp. No electricity meant no access to the laptop! Horrors! Is there such a thing as Internet withdrawal? We bought firewood, and Sherry got a great fire started so we could cook our evening meal and have coffee. We also cooked breakfast over the fire.
On Tuesday morning, we left and traveled across Vermont, not a long trip at all. Made an important Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Factory! The free sample at the end of the tour was a combination of orange sherbet and vanilla ice cream, which tasted quite similar to a 50/50 bar we had when growing up. Of course, that whetted our appetite for more ice cream! Each of us wound up getting our favorite ice cream waffle cone before heading on down the road.

1 comment:

  1. SWEET!!! Ben and Jerry's!!!! I am loving your road trip - I hope I can grow up to be just like you!!! :- ) What a blessing that God has given you the opportunity to see some of His created world!!! Keep sharing the pictures, I am loving them!
