Saturday, July 6, 2024

Happy Trails to You

 So many trails.  So little time.  Between last week and this week, we have ridden 4 different sections of the Poudre trail, two sections of the Spring Creek trail, and portions of the Boyd Lake, Great Western and Windsor Lake trails.  At this point, I think our legs may possibly be the strongest parts of our bodies.  At any rate, they are getting an almost daily workout.

Don acquiesced and took a picture of Doris and me.  We were on our matching bikes and wearing our matching Crown shirts.  That way, if one of us got lost, we knew what the other one looked like!😅

There have been a few obstacles along the way.  Today a family of geese crossed the path right in front of Don.  The other day, a huge fat prairie dog ran between Don and Doris, almost tripping a jogger that was running next to us.   There is always the "dodge the goose poop" on most days.  Below was the day we had to come to a complete stop and go through the branches of a Cottonwood tree.

Attached is the portion of the Poudre trail between Windsor and Greeley.  Doris spotted a mother deer and her fawn in one of the forested areas.  We heard the sounds of Western Meadowlarks, robins, red winged blackbirds, killdeer and the screeching of hawks, plus the occasional sound of other bike riders that stated "On your left" as they approached us.  For the most part it is very quiet and peaceful.

On the 4th of July we headed west from Eastman park, again on a portion of the Poudre trail.  There are small hills, tunnels and bridges to cross on this part.  The tunnel below was not originally here when we biked this approximately 15 years ago.  A new golf course in this area has changed many different parts.
This was one long gradual hill after we turned around to head back to the truck.  At the top, I was winded.
Signs along the way indicated where we were at.  YOU ARE HERE shows up pretty well.  I don't even need my glasses to read the map.
The Great Western trail was mostly gravel and took us north and west towards Severance.  This was probably the least favorite of ours since it wasn't a paved trail.  On the plus side, there were no other riders and only one dog walker.

We enjoyed the much cooler mornings.  Many mornings it was in the 60's when we started out between 7:30 and 8:00 am, even cool enough for long sleeves at times.  At home, we would have to be out by 5:30 am with temps in the 90's.  And those would definitely not be long sleeve days!😟

And as Roy Rogers would sing "Happy Trails to you until we meet again".  

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