Friday, October 7, 2011

Visiting Virginia City

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So, this blog will be mostly pictorial. The pictures of the "vehicles" and people speak for themselves!

This was a first for us. We've never attended an outhouse race before or had even heard of such a thing before the weekend we spent in nearby Reno.
The guy in the striped shirt was the announcer for the event. Much better looking than his friend beside him!
On the left...the entry from Mustang Ranch brothel and the Brown Bomber on the right.
The guys pushing the Comstock Load seemed to be really pushy at times...
Going back to the pit area after the race was done.

Even the Great Dane was dressed up for the event!

One guy handed Don a black marker and told him to write something on the outhouse wall! Don at first couldn't even think of has been awhile since he's written on a bathroom wall! I'm hoping he didn't put down our cell phone number! : )
How about the outfits on these guys? At least they have the guts to wear them out in public.
I found a nice Southern gentleman at a nearby hotel and he agreed to have his picture taken with me.
It was much better than having a photo taken with the old prospector and his burro.
Another heat for the Brown Bomber who was pitted against the Haunted House, and a second heat for Comstock Load and Trailer Trash.

Double ply Charmin was used for the finish line! Excuse the puns, "butt" at the end of the outhouse races, all that is left is the "paperwork" and you are pretty much "wiped" out.
No unruly people around when this guy walked past. All in all, this was a fun event. The weather was absolutely perfect, it cost us nothing except some diesel fuel to get there, and it was hilarious to watch.

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