Wyoming has a LOT of open space! What a difference between the traffic on I-25 in Colorado and I-25 in Wyoming! I think we encountered more cars in half an hour in Colorado than the whole time we were in Wyoming.
About half our trip in Wyoming was on the I-25 interstate, the remaining was on Wyoming Route 59. Gilllette is almost straight north of Windsor, Colorado where our son and daughter-in-law live. Don drove, Glen rode shotgun and I was content in the backseat.
Not much to look at here except trains with their coal cars. Wyoming has been the biggest coal producer in the United States since 1986. The coal that comes from here is lower in sulfur, so it burns cleaner than coal from other states.Those long lines of coal cars needed a lot of engines to pull them!Almost all the way back to Parker, Colorado there were storms brewing. Luckily, we hit a few light and brief showers or drove through the area right after the storm had passed.
No heavy traffic on the road we just went over either. I wonder if people from Wyoming even know what it is to experience a traffic jam. Boy, I would have been ecstatic to drive on the mostly empty roads to work years ago.